The story of Oviedo’s history goes that it was first settled because of its accessibility to Solary’s Wharf, a landing on Lake Jesup that provided merchants an opportunity to distribute the products of a year-round growing season. With merchants came settlers who recognized the natural beauty of Oviedo’s lakes, rivers, and subtropical climate. Doctors offered convalescence on the shores of Lake Charm.
Today, Oviedo’s beginnings are reborn. The arrival of a multitude of shopping, medical and retirement services support the arrival of new “settlers” to Oviedo each day. Families enthusiastically enjoy Oviedo’s noted beauty and charm exhibited along the Cross Seminole Trail.
The Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce supports the area’s growth with a special merging of both new and old within the community. Here in Oviedo, you’ll find capable city management insuring planned growth, expanding recreational facilities, fire and police services and diligent protection of Oviedo’s natural resources. You’ll also find friendly neighbors raising families in an excellent school system, which enables a person to go from preschool to post graduate degree, all within five miles of Oviedo.
High tech and professional jobs are mainstream for Oviedo, where income demographics are tops in Central Florida. Religious, civic and social groups round out Oviedo in a way that allows a hometown atmosphere to prevail in an ever-growing environment.
We invite you to join our merchants, professionals and manufacturers who are anxious to meet you and share with you that which has made Oviedo a special community for over 100 years.
For more information about the City of Oviedo, visit: http://cityofoviedo.net/
Signature Chamber Events: Taste of Oviedo, https://www.owsrcc.org/tasteofoviedo/